Friday, March 15, 2013

Does an employer have the right to go on Facebook and search your account? This is the question that is being asked in Helena, Montana. In an article i found on the San Francisco Chronicle's website, it discusses the proposal of a bill that will protect workers' social media privacy. This means that employers will not be allowed to ask you for your username and password for Facebook, Twitter, etc.. In 2009, the city of Bozeman required all potential employees to relinquish their social media and personal email usernames and passwords before accepting employment. Employers believed that doing this would enable them to monitor their employees' behavior such as posting sensitive client information on a social media site. The bill passed the Senate with a vote of 48-2 and now needs the committee's endorsement to move to the full House.
I think this article is very important because it asks the question about how much an employer is allowed to go when they are screening potential employees. I do not think it should be allowed for employers to go onto people's Facebook and Twitter to conduct background checks. In addition, I think usernames and especially passwords should be secret and only known to the user. If employers require knowing the password who knows what they can do one your Facebook or even share your passwords with others. I support this bill and hope that eventually the legislate passes it.  


  1. Julia, I think this article is very interesting. I did not know that they were going to pass a law against this but i feel like they should pass one. I don't think its fair that a company can take all of your passwords for social networking sites because that is an invasion of privacy. I feel like for colleges it might be okay to check that out but for work i feel that those people are older adults and really deserve the privacy. Im glad there have been attempts at stopping this.

  2. I agree with both of you! I have always been told to be careful with what you post or tweet because employers might look at them. I feel like they should pass a law against going on Facebook and twitter for background checks. I feel like it is an invasion of privacy especially when they want to know your username and password, I felt like that is going to the extreme. I agree with you, Kerry, about it being okay to look at it for colleges but not for work. I support this bill, and am interested to learning and hearing more about it.
