Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Final Summary/Reaction

My survey was posted for about a week and a half and I re-posted it a couple of times. After reviewing my results of my survey I was surprised at some of the responses I got. For example, one of my questions was "how do you mostly talk to people?" and I assumed that talking in person would be voted the most, but my results showed that texting was the most voted on. Social media is used everyday and I learned that it affects the way we socialize with each other. My study made me rethink how much I use social media sites.

Sunday, April 21, 2013


My plan is still the same. I made my survey and posted it on Facebook and Twitter. Now I am just waiting for the responses.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

My plan

My plan for research is to make a survey on Google docs and post it on my Facebook and Twitter, asking everyone to take it. The questions I'm going to ask are general questions about them and how they use social media. The questions range from what websites they go on to how much time they spend on social media sites to how much they believe what they read online. From my results I hope to see if social media has an effect on someone's life.